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V44 #5 Christmas and Nativity

Archbishop Seraphim
Reprinted from Orthodox Life Vol. 44, No. 5 October 1994
By Archbishop Seraphim of Chicago (†1987)

On American Christmas, some of you more, some of you to a lesser extent, celebrate, have parties, give presents to each other, etc.  Alas, American Christmas is acquiring a more and more pagan character: so much time is wasted on shopping, often unnecessarily, for clothing, for everything exterior, while inner spiritual concerns remain almost in oblivion.
The Nativity of the God-Child Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, is hardly given any thought whatsoever. The kind, gentle image of Christ is supplanted by that of jolly old Santa Claus — a distressing, blasphemous caricature of one of God's greatest saints — Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Mira, whom the Roman Catholics contrived to exclude from their order of saints some years ago.
The psychology of the masses is infectious.  We, the zealots of religious piety, understand this and, in a fatherly way, for the sake of love, look askance, although not without sadness, at this chaotic tribute in the country which gave shelter to our flock.  At the same time, we sincerely ask all members of our Russian Church Abroad: having given notice to the secular world, when the embers of the American festival have died, give some attention to your inner self — prepare yourself spiritually, in the Orthodox way, for our Orthodox Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  First of all, for at least the remainder of Lent — fast.  After all, there are not many fast days left.  Whoever is able, prepare yourselves with fasting.  On the holy eve of the feast, make certain that you come to church: the Nativity services are so beautiful!  On the day of Nativity, try your best to get leave from work or school, even if you must lose a day's wages.  Give them to God!
Keep holy, sanctify in a special way, this whole day of the Great Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God.  Do not do anything thoughtless on the Nativity.  It is traditional on this day to visit the clergy, family or friends, to somehow reinforce the joy of the Festival.  It is not sinful on this day to have guests or go out, within reason of course, so as not to lose the image of God, which we carry.  It is certainly blessed for families and those of means [who have more of this world's goods] to invite people who are alone to their Nativity dinner, especially those in poverty, to warm them with kindness and attention.  How good this is and pleasing to God!
On this great day we can and must celebrate, especially spiritually.  Too often this celebration is substituted with uncontrolled drunken parties.  It is not a crime to be merry and celebrate a Festival, but not wildly.  Examine the Holy Gospels.  There the word joy appears nearly twenty times, but the word gladness appears only once, and even then in conjunction with the word joy.  I will introduce the text: But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; anid many shall rejoice at his birth (Luke I, 13-14).
On the Feast day of the Nativity it has become customary, seemingly from the Three Wise Men, to give each other gifts, especially the poor and needy.  This is a good and holy custom!  In America, we may divide it into two parts: on American Christmas give gifts to family and friends, and on our Nativity to do good deeds; that is, send care packages to needy people, churches and charitable organizations.
In this way, we can pay tribute to the customary American Christmas as well as to our Great Orthodox Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  God grant that this advice would find its way to your hearts!
As pastors, we understand how, when all around people are celebrating, it is difficult not to be caught up in the festivities.  However, blessed are those who maintain their fasting and prayer throughout the whole period of the Nativity Fast, leaving aside all celebration until our Orthodox Nativity.

Archbishop Seraphim of Chicago († 1987)
Translated from Russian by Alexander Morin

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